- https://commonmark.org/ learn markdown syntax (my beloved<3)
- https://solaria.neocities.org/guides
- https://tiny-helpers.dev/ collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers
- https://htmlboilerplates.com/ basic structure for an HTML document
- https://webcode.tools/ code generators for frontend
- http://macyjs.com/ lightweight masonry layout library
- https://nanogallery2.nanostudio.org/ gallery with lightbox
- https://github.com/troxler/awesome-css-frameworks list of css frameworks
- https://simplecss.org stylizes semantic html
- https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/defaulT.asp w3.css responsive templates
- https://melankorin.net/blog/2023/06/19/ blogpost about how to design a personal website
- https://cssgridgarden.com/ interactive guide on css grid
- https://learncssgrid.com/ learn css grid or suffer
- https://tinytools.directory/ list of small, free, or experimental tools that might be useful in building game / website / interactive project
- https://moderncss.dev/ solutions to old css problems
- https://phuoc.ng/collections/ guides about frontend
- tutorial on how to make a website with google sheets/spreadsheets
- https://themes.gohugo.io/ hugo actually has better themes than 11ty…
- https://deploy.nekoweb.org/ deploy action to nekoweb
- https://smolcss.dev minimal snippets for modern css layouts and components
- https://artspeak-ipsum.com/ lorem ipsum generator based on international art english
- https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/diagnostics/index.html diagnostic css
- https://github.com/melanierichards/just-build-websites ideas for web design
- https://pote-chil.com/css-stock/ja code snippet generator
- https://blot.im/templates cool blog hosting, no UI just drag and drop folders
- https://github.com/edwardtufte/tufte-css webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts
- https://jamesg.blog/2024/02/19/personal-website-ideas/ ~80 ideas
- https://shellsharks.com/notes/2023/08/15/website-component-checklist what to put in your website
- https://kalachuchi.neocities.org/links resources in general
graphics, colors, themes
- https://supercolorpalette.com/ color palette generator
- https://codepen.io/aitchiss/pen/QWKmPqx sticky note codepen
- https://patterns.helloyes.dev/ svg pattern backgrounds
- https://lucide.dev/ lightweight svg icons
- https://i-love-everything.com/buttons/ blinkies collection
- https://repth.neocities.org/openbook open book layout with only css
- https://github.com/kayleconut/listfauxgraphy listography layout
- https://willdotjpg.gay/templates/templates.html cute layouts, loveee the notion one
- https://pixelsea.neocities.org/ pixel icons, cool printer!!
- https://momg.neocities.org/ museum of over 100k gifs
- https://limegreen.neocities.org/templates/wikitable/wikitable wiki layout in html and css
- https://artwork.neocities.org/ more pixels
- http://www2j.biglobe.ne.jp/~tatuta/_FRAME3.htm animated kaomoji
- https://pebble-in-a-lake.dreamwidth.org/18657.html icon resources masterpost
- https://design-baum.jp/develop/877/ marker effect
- https://saruwakakun.com/html-css/reference/box css box effects
- https://foundcolor.co/archive so many good palettes
- https://www.fffuel.co/dddoodle/ free 120+ hand drawn and hand drawn-like doodle illustrations
- https://www.radix-ui.com/colors/custom palettes specifically for UI
- https://itinerae.blogspot.com/2024/01/foryou.html more templates
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wWwTMS9LxWI1etYJGxDQIhjtuR895si3 22k animated gifs.. omfg blessed
- https://eyy.co/tools/artifact-generator/ jpeg artifact generator
- https://hicchicc.github.io/00ff/ pixel jp fonts
- https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/fontlist/ old school pc fonts
- https://mksd.jp/designfont.html more jp fonts
- http://www.peter-wiegel.de/Fonts/index.html free fonts
- https://typedesignschool.com/ guide on how make your own font + lessons on type design
- https://github.com/ctrlcctrlv/FRBAmericanCursive
- https://copypaste.wtf/TT2020/docs/download.html biblically accurate typewriter font
- https://jasminnie.weebly.com/fonts.html collection of fonts mostly used around 2010s